How Do I Setup My Voicemail Greeting

The easiest way to record a voicemail greeting is through the Vumber app.

Our latest Vumber app is available for iPhone at the App Store, or for Android in their Play Store

To set up your voicemail greeting using the Vumber app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Vumber app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap the 'Hamburger menu' icon located at the top corner of the screen.
  3. Select 'My Numbers' from the menu options.

  1. Choose the number for which you want to set up the voicemail by selecting 'Configure' next to it.

  1. Navigate to the 'Voicemail' option.

  1. Here, you can:
    • Record a New Voicemail: Tap to start recording your custom message directly through the app.
    • Type a Text to Speech Voicemail: Enter the text you want to be spoken in your voicemail message.
    • Upload a File: Choose a pre-recorded voicemail message from your device to upload.

No smartphone? No problem?

  • call your Vumber from the phone you registered with the service 
  • when you hear "please enter the number to dial", dial 123 followed by # to access your Vumber Voicemail system
  • Press 3 to access your voicemail greeting menu

From here, follow the prompts to record your new greeting.

Don't know your voicemail password / PIN?

When you call your Vumber, you might need to enter your Voicemail PIN.

To view, update, or remove this PIN, please follow these steps:

1) Log in to your account at

2) Choose "Settings" from the menu option 

3) Choose the "Voicemail" tab. 

4) You will with the PIN code on this tab. 

5) Edit the PIN and click save.

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