Improved Number Availability and Ordering

At Vumber, we count ourselves privileged to have a fantastic core of loyal customers. They are happy to invest their time and let us know which product improvements we can make to help their respective businesses.

We've been working hard to bring you those product improvements, and today we are launching improved number availability and searching.

  • Number availability in over 9000 local area codes covering a 90% of the US population.
  • All new numbers will be text message enabled.
  • All new numbers will be capable of receiving faxes.
  • Improved selection and availability of toll-free numbers.

And new ways to search for numbers:

  • By state, area-code, and city.
  • By ZIP code.
  • Geographically close to your existing cell or office number.
  • Toll-Free by prefix 
  • Toll-Free Vanity.

The new number ordering page is available on the new dashboard -

We hope you enjoy this much-requested improvement - we have some big new features being launched this year, so please stay tuned and keep that feedback coming.

July 2018.

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